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A tunnel on the way to Nice - one of 17! |
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The highest point on our trek through the Alps to Nice. Finally some actual snow to play in! We also saw some ermines running around. |
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Blue butterfly mud-puddling by the snow melt seep |
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Finally, a guard-rail! This was what the road looked like most of the time. Fine for me, driving, but Ethan was REALLY nervous. |
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Men clearing fallen rocks off the road. |
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A meadow beside the snow melt creek where we stopped |
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Children playing in snow-melt river. Very cold. Ethan kind of freaking out still, because it was a little dangerous. The roads were not good for him. |
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Saprophitic plant in the pine forest. I'm sure I spelled that wrong. They are also in Florda (different kinds) and called Indian Pipes. They are parasites and have no chlorophyll. |
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Snow-dotted mountain peak |
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Our round of Tomme |
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Lovely alpine wildflowers |
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Rose and Clothilde on the top of an alp. We could see Mont Blanc in the distance |
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View from the mountain in Annecy. I forgot it's name already, and I've been there three times! |
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Clothilde in the Alps |
We were still a day ahead of schedule and had a reservation for the
Auberge in Aix-les-Bains for out next night and it was only about a half
hour from Annecy, so we decided to take it easy and let the kids play
after the day in the car. We had petit dejeuner with the German family
and agreed to meet them in the afternoon at a swimming area a little way
down the lake from Annecy. Angie had taken a bus to the top of Les
Semnoz, the mountain behind the hostel, when she was here last, so we
decided to drive up and look around. It was a really windy road up, and
Rosie and I were both queasy. I was a victim of translation, too. It
turns out that all cereal is called muesli in Germany, even if it's
Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs. It looked like muesli, but it was
definitely not muesli. I ate some anyway because the other option was
bread, and after the Pentecost, I wasn't sure I was ready for bread
again yet. It did not sit well on the way up the mountain. I thought it
might be better if I was driving, and it was, for me. For everyone else
and the transmission, not so much. If the mountain had been steeper I
would have been okay, but we needed to go up it in third (of six), and
my limit seems to be two shifts before I stall out, so by popular opinion I went back into the
passenger side.
The top of mountain was nice, and just above the tree line, but it
was really cold, and no-one except Angie was dressed for it. We walked around a bit
and Angie talked to a couple of farmers who were repairing their fences
that went right over the summit. They raised dairy cows for Roblechon
cheese. We told them about our cows and they enjoyed the break. On our
walk, Mirin was showing Angie how he was practicing math by throwing
rocks and something to do with adding the ones he skipped over. We
didn't get the full explanation because of course, the example toss
bounced off a rock and hit me in the hand. Not hard enough to damage
anything but hard enough to leave a mark, and he took off in a funk.
Everyone else was cold so we went back to the car, but Angie had to go
find Mirin.
It was almost time to meet the German family, so we went
down the mountain and tried to find the swimming area. It took a couple
tries because the map just had a big square with a swimmer over the
waterfront of Saint Jurioz. We found them eventually and the kids played
for a while and we had picnic. The water was cold, so there wasn't much
swimming, but they all went in a bit. The wind was really ripping and
kite boarders were coming out of the woodwork. Mirin was really inspired
and got some yarn and a plastic bag and made a little kite of his own.
He and the German boy Tristan played with it until the wind got so
strong that it kept breaking the yarn.
About five o'clock we said goodbye and
started towards Aix-les-Bains. We took the back roads instead of le
autoroute and passed a farm with a sign saying that they made Tomme
there and sold it direct. By some miracle we were even passing by when
they were open, so we turned around and pulled in. They were in the
middle of milking, but one of the farmers came out and talked to us. He
led us around the barns to the cheese cave under his house. There were
probably 200 rounds of cheese there in all stages of ageing. There were
some that still looked like the fresh pressed curds, the finished ones,
and the ones that had three inches of furry mold. Angie asked him what
it was called and he said it was "le peau du chat", or " the hair of the
cat". We bought a whole wheel bigger than our heads for under 13€.
While he was getting change we got a quick tour of his barns. The hay
barn was designed for loose hay. There was a big pit on one side that a
dump trailer could back up to, and then a big claw mounted on a rail
that ran the whole length of the barn to distribute it to all the cows
when they were in there during the winter. Some of his cows had just
calved and we talked with the farmer's sister for a bit while she bottle
fed the colostrum to the day-old calves.
Once we were on our way again to Aix-les-Bains we got there in no time and found the street the GPS said the hostel was on, but there was no hostel. We did a few circles looking for signs and eventually asked someone. They gave us directions to a completely different part of town, but they were hard to follow. We squinted at the way zoomed out google maps directions we had and eventually just scrolled around the GPS until we found a spot that looked similar, and it worked.
We went into the hostel and it was empty downstairs but full of French schoolchildren upstairs, but someone else came in and we waited with him. Angie started speaking French with him but it turned out he was half French half English, so I could talk too, not just listen. After a bit we heard the commotion increasing upstairs. They were going over the fire drill and the receptionist was up there with them. She led them all around up there and deafened everyone with her whistle. We finally got out room and got situated. We had stopped at the Carrefour after the beach and loaded up on bread, cheese, fresh sausages, potatoes, asparagus, and the forever popular with the children "Petite Suisse".
The hostel was nice but there kitchen was
lacking. There was a microwave and two hot plates all plugged into the
same power strip. The hot plates couldn't both be on high at the save
time, and when someone wanted to use the microwave they both had to turn
off or blow the breaker. It was so sparse we had to bum a corkscrew off
a another British guy. He was really nice and had been riding his
motorcycle around France. Every holiday he got he would come down and
stay in hostels. While dinner was cooking the kids tortured the
schoolchildren by playing in the big field behind the hostel while the
French kids had to go to a class. Dinner was a welcome meal after all of
the restaurants and snacking we had done, and the kids played until it
was dark. There was quite a party on the terrace for a while with the
two British guys ( one and a half, technically) and an older French couple who was thinking of moving to Aix-le-Bains from Lorient and were
scouting it out. The lady seemed pretty tipsy and we had to rescue Angie
from her, so we went to bed. ***correction - the guy had been talking
with the kind of crazy French lady when we got there, and as we finished
dinner he got up to go to his room. He passed Angie in the kitchen and
peeled the crazy lady off on her, saying he thought he was leaving her
in good company. She had kept saying how handsome Mirin was and there
was no was he was only ten, and he teased her by humming "here comes the
bride." So I had assumed that when he said " By the way, that's not my
wife" that he was only teasing her again, but he was actually making that as a disclaimer. Angie also talked with her the
next morning and she hadn't been that tipsy the night before, just
At breakfast the next morning Mirin played volleyball with the French class which was all his age. They all wanted him on their team since I guess he was the ringer. We talked to the motorcyclist again and asked him about routes down to Nice. We didn't want to do le autoroute since it tended to be hectic, expensive, and boring looking out the windows. He said to go down to Grenoble and get on the N85, the Route Napoleon. We did and the driving was quick and really pretty.
roundabouts make driving the back roads so much quicker than in the
states. The road was a French equivalent of US27, but without the two or
three stoplights every time you go through a town the size of Fort
White. After we went through gap, the Route Napoleon went off a
different direction and the GPS sent us down the D902 and over the Col
de la Cayolle. At first it wasn't too bad, and there was a gorgeous
river of snowmelt alongside us. We pulled off and found a path down to
the bank. There was a cool sapprophytic plant down there like a purple
version of the one that grows on the pine roots at home. The spotted
Lily that we'd seen near Premanon was just blooming there, too. We found
a not to fast and deep spot and played for a bit before going on.
We passed a sign down the road saying that all the passes were
open, and turned down the road over the Col de la Cayolle. It quickly
became little more than a donkey path that had been paved. Occasionally
there were guard rails, and every few hundred meters there were spots
where if one car had half a wheel over the edge, and the other folded in
their mirror and hugged the rock, two cars could pass without trading
too much paint. Other than that the road was between 1/2 and 3/4s of a
lane wide and all blind corners. The views were breathtaking, and also
heart racing.
We kept passing road crews that consisted of two guys in
climbing harnesses with pry bars on the rockface above the road, and
another guy with a bobcat to push it all out of the way after they had
sent it down. The road kept climbing and the river of snowmelt kept
shrinking beside it. We passed over a little torrent (actually the
French word for creek) and stopped and played for a bit. The water was
icy but felt nice on our feet. There was a seep coming out if the bank
that was covered in tiny purplish butterflies. We tried to get the best
pictures we could for Marc. We loaded up again and the GPS said we only
had 38 more kilometers on the tiny road, and we were beginning to wonder
what we'd gotten ourselves into.
We kept going up and up, from 1000m,
to 1500m. The mountains kept getting taller with more snow on them as we
went. We crossed three stone bridges over waterfalls and kept going up.
We went through an unlit one lane tunnel around a corner and came out
above the tree line on the other side. The pass was just ahead and we
were well over 2000m at this point, and getting closer to the snow line.
Sure enough we went around a corner and there was a snow drift next to
the road. We squeezed as far off the road as we could and the kids got a
minute to this throw some snowballs before we went off again. The top
of the pass was in sight and we resisted the demands to get out at every
patch of snow until we made it to the top. There was a parking area and
an obelisk with the elevation on it - 2326 meters. We walked around a
bit and played in the snow. There were wild pansies along the path and a
couple times we spotted briefly some sort of marmot looking creature
that turned out to be an ermine. Again, no one was dressed for the
altitude, and it was getting past 5, so we headed down. It turned out we
had gone up the really hairy side first, and after we had gone down the
first 750 meters of elevation or so the road widened out to a luxurious
one and a half lanes. After a small town it went out to two lanes, and
there was a sign saying we were on the Route of the seventeen tunnels.
The kids counted them and sure enough there were seventeen. They were
really wild ones, too. Some were short and had traffic going both ways.
Some were long and only had our direction, or any combination thereof.
The only constant was that none of them were lit. Pretty soon we were at
200m and joined the main road into Nice.
We had managed to recharge the little French cell phone and called
Gaby. She answered and was happy to hear from us. We agreed to meet her
that evening when we got into Nice at around 7:30.
The only problem was that we had planned to drop the rental car off
before we went to the hostel so Angie wouldn't have to drive and park it
in Nice, but to meet Gaby before she went to bed we'd have to drive
straight to her apartment. After five minutes of Nice we all wished we
were back on the donkey path with the blind tunnels. The road kept
forking and spitting us off in weird directions. Then there's the whole
thing with French honor not allowing anyone to merge properly, so we
ended up going off and on the main road. We finally got to Gaby's street
and looked for a place to park. Everything was taken right to the end
of the street except for a tiny little spot. I got out to make
incomprehensible hand signals while Angie parked and the parking assist
feature beeped at her. It never was the same since the hostel in Colmar
where a bush had grown into the parking space. Maybe a leaf or some mud
had gotten on the sensor, but whenever it thought we were parking it
would let out a high pitched whine. Maybe it just wanted to help the
kids fill in the gaps. Despite trying to turn it off in the settings
console, it beeped at us faithfully every time, even as we parked the
car at the rental return.
Anyway, we managed to get the car into the spot, and as soon as we
got everyone out we realized that it wasn't a legal parking spot after
all. Looking around the street, though, it seemed like about 2/3rds of
the cars there were parked illegally. We were at the end and wedged in
so tightly that they'd need a crane to lift us out, so we decided to
risk it.
We rang the buzzer at Gaby's and this time she answered and rang us up. She was so happy to see Angie, and had a whole dinner ready and laid out for us. She and Angie talked for a while as Clo dissected the strawberries. Gaby even remarked at how calm Clo was. The trip had definitely had a calming effect on Clo. She is usually shy when she firsts does something new, and new things have been coming thick and fast for the past two weeks. Gaby was also comparing her to Titouan, who was very energetic and past the shyness age. After dinner Gaby had some presents for the kids. Mirin got an American history book that had been a gift from Claudia and Papy to Aurore in 1993. Rose got a bag of old American coins, with some west German coins thrown in for good measure, and Clo got a pinwheel that she is very possessive of. The big kids also got huge chocolate bars, which will go to Sam and Gus when we get home.
We left Gaby's and headed for the hostel, this time through Nice in the dark. We found it despite the GPS not knowing the street and parked in the little road in front while Angie went in and asked if the two parking spaces out front were for guests. Of course they weren't, so we were midway through unloading our stuff when a car turned into the street and wanted past. Clo was still buckled and so Angie jumped in and they disappeared off into the night. After waiting about five minutes we set off to find them, fearing the worst. But as we went around the corner there they were, and squeezing into a parking spot no less. We did the hand gesture and beeping routine again. It was a pay spot, but not charged until the next morning, and at the hostel they said we could pre-feed the meter.
We unloaded everything and tidied up the car as
best we could without an industrial vacuum for the kids bread crumbs. We
were in an identical room but the floor above when we'd been there
before. It was great, because this one didn't have a balcony luring Clo
to her doom. We tried to enjoy our last shower not at home, but our room
apparently didn't have any cold water, so it was more scalding than
anything else. We got Marc's news about the no go on pork products
coming into the states but cheese being okay, which was good because
we'd been hauling the Tomme and Roblechon for a while. It turned out to
be a good thing that we'd kept the car because Marc had quite a time
getting to the airport. He was waiting at the bus stop for a while when
he overheard a Danish couple asking about the 98 bus. Some French ladies
got very excited and pointed to a little flyer saying that the 98 bus
was on strike. He ended up having to string several buses together and
then walk the last stretch. After checking the farm news with the first
wifi for a couple days, I went up to the room. Angie read Heidi until
Rose feel asleep and we ask went to bed.
This morning was uneventful. We were all sorry to be leaving France and planning our next trip. We got up early had breakfast and checked out right on time. The morning driving in Nice is just as bad as the evening and night driving, but the airport was signed much better. The rental car guy didn't even bat an eye when he saw the car, and the one new tiny ding on the back of the passenger side mirror went unnoticed. Getting through security was easier than in the US and the Petite Suisse made it this time. The only difference was the pimply young soldiers standing around with machine guns that was a little unsettling. Clo was the only baby on the flight to Copenhagen that didn't cry at all, and she slept most of the way. She didn't even cry when the cruel flight attendant said she had to be woken up and strapped into her seat. Of course that means we're probably in for it in the next flight, but she's playing in the Copenhagen airport playground now, and we're keeping a strict watch on her purple French shoes.
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