Friday, May 9, 2014

End of Week Joy

Whew, I'm so glad it's Friday!  It's been a tough week.  All our extended family has been unavailable lately and Ethan's work was threatening to send him out of town for an unknown number of days.  It's been so long since they asked him to travel, but it is always like that - not sure when he'll be leaving, not sure for how long.  It is very disruptive to family and farm life.  We are so lucky to live so close to all our extended family.  Everything would be so much harder without them.

I'm also still trying to get used to being 30.  It's been strangely hard to change decades.  I know everyone over 35 scoffs if you say 30 feels old, but the truth is that to anyone under 30, it IS old!  Three decades is a long time to be here.  I think there is also a 9-year change for all the decades, with so many thoughts about leaving behind one decade and beginning another.

 Clothilde has been "The Little Engine That Could - And Did" lately.  Did you know we have to keep all the dining room chairs tied up when not in use?  Otherwise nothing is safe.  One of the worst toys we have - which was completely fine, and even convenient in sweet little Rose's hands - is the toddler step stool.  Dangerous.

One of our friends called her "relentless."  I think that's a fairly good description.

I am realizing that when my other children were small, they were super careful.  I let Mirin help chop veggies when he was 2, and I always let them use kid scissors from an extremely early age.  They had good sense!  I had to wrest the kid scissors unhappily from Clo-Clo this week because she was putting them in her mouth and snipping them.  Huh!  And she definitely wins hands-down over Mirin on which kid has broken more stuff.


 We are working on the Practical Projects block of 3rd grade now!  Mirin is building his workbench.  He is really enjoying this part of homeschool (I knew he would) and is making plans for other projects.  There are also some plans for a loft bed, a sandbox and a tree house in the works.

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