Tuesday, March 10, 2015

A Glamorous Visitor

It was mayhem when we arrived at the farm yesterday afternoon.  All the piglets were out and ravaging the milking area, and a strange peacock was nibbling the rye in the garden.  We only noticed the peacock when he suddenly made a screaming noise.  It sounded like one of the children had gotten tangled in the electric fence.

He was hanging around the chicken coop, and we thought he was interested in our pet turkey, Gorgeous, mistaking her perhaps for a pea hen.  We let out Gorgeous in hope that he would realize she was a turkey and go away, but he stayed and picked around the garden (I don't think he ate any) until it was nearly dark.  Then he very quickly ran off without us noticing and we heard him calling from the tops of the trees in the woodlot to the east.

Funny to have such a strange and distinguished visitor!

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