Thursday, March 12, 2015

In the Garden: Beets!

 It was such a surprise to pull these beautiful beets out of the garden this week!  Despite my dad's claims that growing beets is "easy" (I have never seen him grow a beet as long as I've been alive), I have not had any luck with them until this year.  They really don't like Florida's acidic, sandy soil.  This year I grew them on one of my compost beds and added Desert Dynamin clay.  It worked!  I love beets and fresh beet greens!  I still have a whole row of them, but this was the first planting.  The rabbits really ate a lot of them, so this is what I have for now.  There should be more, soon!  The second planting looks good, it just hasn't bulbed enough yet.

 The second planting of cabbage looks nicer than the first!  I think it has really liked the cool weather.  It seems like not so long ago I put them in the ground, and they are beginning to head already.

The sudden warm weather has made all the salad greens start to bolt.  All the lettuce is strong-flavored now.  Time to save seeds!

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