Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Yarn Along: Phoebe Mouse Sweater

I (finally) finished up Rose's Phoebe's sweater.  I'm glad I saved the huge sweater for last.  It's such a reminder of how much Rose has grown that it takes so long to knit for her!

 Speaking of that, I am now knitting the little mouse sweaters.  It's so satisfying how quickly one of them knits up!  I am already dividing for the sleeves on the first one.

I am planning on knitting both my girls the sweaters, the mouse dolls and the doll sweaters and dresses.  I think it will be wonderful Christmas present for both of them.  They are already playing together with other dolls, and I think they will love having ones from the story with teeny tiny matching sweaters.  At least I know Rose will be delighted with it.  Clothilde, I'm sure, will follow along with whatever Rose is excited about.  It's funny and wonderful how my girls stick together already, although Clothilde is not even two years old yet.  Any dispute with the big brother and Clothilde is always on Rose's side!


  1. That's exactly what I've been experiencing lately ;-) Knitting for my 4 year old daughter takes a lot of time now and how quickly are these baby knits done. But as you said, both are special and satisfying in their own way.

    1. I'm always amazed at how quickly children grow up....[sigh].
      Thanks for writing--

  2. What a pretty sweater. I love that color.

    1. It's Quince & Co's Winesap. They have the most beautiful yarns.

  3. I wasn't really thinking about how the time knitting reflects the child's growth, thanks for the reminder
