Thursday, February 5, 2015

In the Garden: Broccoli and Cabages

 It's been a good week in the garden.  I got some new veggies finally other than kale, collards, radishes, lettuce and turnips.  I made an amazing cole slaw salad with the red cabbage.  It think it was because it was so fresh, but it seemed sweeter and crispier than any cabbage I've had before.

 The broccoli is sending out side shoots, and the cold weather has made it very sweet.  I wish I had planted a whole long row of it, but alas, I only have four plants that survived the rabbits.  There are more plants that are still in just leaves stage, but I'm not sure if it will have enough time before summer.

 The rabbits got a lot of my savoy cabbage, but the few that are left are starting to head.  I replanted a bunch back in November, so later on I hope we'll have more.  This is the first year it's survived long enough to make heads!

This has been my favorite lettuce this year - Shu Tu Mai, or Swordleaf Lettuce.  It has a sweet, delicious flavor and has grown prolifically.  We've gotten a lot of nice salads out of the garden this year.  I'm already scheming out a whole big bed for lettuce next fall.

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